2014 - 15 , jarrah and corten steel , 375 x 250 x 175 cm , private collection

015 , Jarrah , Westralian Blackbutt , Wandoo 350 x 400 x 200 cm , private collection

2016 jarrah , forged steel 350 x 250 x 130 cm SCULPTURE BY THE SEA , COTTESLOE 2016

2011 , salvaged Jarrah and Wandoo logs , 240 x 350 x 150 cm sold in clusters to private collections

( detail ) 2010 , salvaged windfall jarrah , galvenised steel hardware , private collection

2010 / 2012 , Jarrah and steel ,7.6 x 1.25 m Sculpture By The Sea Bondi 2010 / Aarhus ( Denmark ) 2011 and Cottesloe 2012 , private collection

2015 , Jarrah , Wandoo , Westralian Blackbutt , Sheoak , Karri , Marri (native hardwood timbers , Western Australia ) , 170 x 50 x 45 cm . private collection

2016 , salvaged Jarrah from century old stockyard timbers , polymer , 215 x 50 x 50 cm , artist's collection

2010 / 2014 , Karri-oak and old sawmillers blade , 200 x 90 x 90 cm , private collection

2008 , Sheoak , 60 x 18 x 18 cm , private collection

2013 , jarrah , 190 x 45 x 32 cm private collection

2010 , Sheoak , Oregon , copper , 72 x 18 x 18 cm , private collection

2015 , carved and charred Marri , 80 x 50 x 30 cm artist's collection

2012 , birdseye jarrah , 48 x 24 x 24 cm private collection

010 , jarrah , 110 x 25 x 24 cm private collection